Plush Keychain | Attack On Titan | Sasha
Plush Keychain | Attack On Titan | Sasha
Attack on Titan
Attack on Titan is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama. It is set in a world where humanity is forced to live in cities surrounded by three enormous walls that protect them from gigantic man-eating humanoids referred to as Titans; the story follows Eren Yeager, who vows to exterminate the Titans after they bring about the destruction of his hometown and the death of his mother. (from Wikipedia)
Sasha Braus is a member of the Scout Regiment and one of the members of the 104th Cadet Corps, of which she was ranked 9th out of the top 10. A compulsive food hoarder with an overly polite way of speech, Sasha originates from Dauper, a village in the southern territory of Wall Rose. (from Attack on Titan Wiki)